we follow jesus by: abiding | learning | becoming | doing
At Oh Be Joyful, our mission is simple: We Follow Jesus. But what does that mean? What does it mean to be an apprentice, a student, and a devotee of this man? We believe it means reorienting all areas of your life; your finances, relationships, career, family, labor, recreation, sex, values, and views by committing to four things: Abiding, Learning, Becoming, and Doing. When we abide in Jesus we commit to learning from him, becoming more like him, and doing what he did.
Sounds pretty straightforward. But there is a lot to unpack in that simplicity and we believe a life spent pursuing these things is a life fully realized. We also believe a community of people devoted to the path of Jesus will be revolutionary and transformative in this post-Christian, digital age. We want to recover our full humanity not by some new paradigm or trendy program. We want to be transformative revolutionaries by following the path laid out for us by a carpenter and rabbi who lived two thousand years ago.
Join us.
glory and sacrifice.
filling. not emptying.
no one can serve two masters.
cease and rest.
what you do unto the least.
taste and see.
go together.
confess and believe.
the spirit intercedes.
silence and solitude
be still and know.
generosity as worship.
making disciples
go therefore.